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  • April 12, 2018 10:07 PM | Metro MTB (Administrator)

    Metro Mountain Bikers

    Welcome by Chris McArdle
    Meeting with Ozaukee was postponed and may be rescheduled in March or April.
    Active Business:
    Bike Fed t-shirts – Metro would get profits from local sales, but the question was if we could get Metro identifying information on it? Various opinions on the design and wording of the t-shirts, but some suggested they liked the wording Tread on Me showing on the t-shirt. Pricepoint was close to $15 for most to be interested in purchasing. Chris will contact Matt Gissibl of the Bike Fed for more information about the sales. Fundraising – a separate meeting was held to discuss. Marty discussed offering to the Parks Department that one of their staff members go to the IMBA summit in Colorado this summer and the fundraising effort to do that. We need approximately $2500 for carsonite signage for the local signs and a possible $500 - $1000 for the IMBA Summit. We also discussed Wednesday racing at the Rock in terms of fundraising. Volunteers:
    We passed around the sign-up sheet for Expo. Chris Cooper suggested getting a 10x10 pop-up tent to use at Expo. Chris McArdle will discuss with Collectivo about the vendor they’ve used and suggestions for a tent. There was a suggestion of getting a black canvas tent with white lettering. If anyone is interested in volunteering to be a ride marshal for the Ride for the Arts the process this year is to go to the website and sign up. Free entry, ride marshal t-shirt, and beer and food afterwards. The Ride for the Arts is the first Sunday in June.

    Derek discussed and showed everyone the re-designed brochure to get Minooka trails included. Tom has to add copy for Minooka but otherwise it’s ready to go. Derek should email to Ron for Ron will show Waukesha County Parks staff. Derek also discussed socks. DeFeet minimum order of 6 dozen, our cost is $6/pair + $25 setup charge. $10/pair breakeven at 46 pairs. We may be able to partner with the Bike Fed, but we’re not counting on it. Sock Guy $5/pair, we have to order 10 dozen minimum + $50 setup.
    We can mix sizes to order as well. We discussed colors too. After initial order, can we order more?
    Derek will verify. We should continue the Metro branding and most liked the DeFeet option. Chris will ask Matt Gissibl of the Bed Fed for information on which style of sock sells more – tall or short? Order needs to be completed within the next couple of week so we have available for Expo. A suggestion was to sell at a different rate for signing up for an IMBA membership but no decision was made about that.
    Social Committee: Good turnout for tubing at the Rock on 2/8. Spring Social Ride is scheduled for April 26.
    Trail Meetings – meeting with County (Ramsey and Mark). Meeting again in two weeks to discuss Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for all three of the currently-approved trail systems. Every year

    we’ll have to have a new MOU to discuss the trail systems. No new trailbuilding until after May 15. No discussion on South Shore. Menomonee River Parkway meeting is scheduled by the Parks department for 2/12 at Mount Mary College. We discussed having Metro business cards available when doing trail work so we can pass our information on to people that ask about our work or want more details of our projects.
    Waukesha County:
    Nothing new at Minooka – but there has been a lot of fat biking going on. Nathan Guerra and Marty Tank have been talking to the land owners of Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc to develop mountain bike
    Upcoming Events:
    Waukesha Bike Swap 2/15
    Fatbike race at Sheridan Park 2/22
    Regional IMBA Summit in Madison 5/16 – 18
    Marty spoke to Marna at The Rock and she said they would be doing Wednesday night racing again. We don’t have any other details. We need to find out the details and figure out who is going to do timing, pricing, etc.
    Open Business – is the club willing to support the Oak Leak Discovery Tour for about $100? Yes, we’ll sponsor.
  • April 12, 2018 9:23 PM | Metro MTB (Administrator)


    Metro Mountain Bikers


    Welcome by Chris McArdle

    Review of the some of the changes from the board meeting. Introduced new board members.

    Explained Functional leaders. Explained breaking out Trail Leaders differently.

    Active Business:

    Fundraising – Matt Gissibl from the Bike Fed explained some of the Bike Fed’s fundraising efforts by targeting bike shops. Talked about t-shirt sales. Chris Cooper will provide Sara’s email to Matt.


    22 people qualified for shirts in 2013. City Print said pricing pretty much the same as last year. Lesspeople qualified for a shirt than in 2012. 1700 volunteer hours total, 60 people total. Minooka being big volunteer-hour winner. Next meeting, we’ll be talking about working the metro booth at Expo.

    Marketing: Collateral and Signage and Mapping. Derek has Templates for sock guy. Old logo may not show up great on the socks. Might be worth sending anyway and see if the company can give us options. Will look into pricing per quantity. May look into DeFeet per Matt @ the Bike Fed. Matt explained how the t-shirts/socks work to sell at bike shops. Socks cost $5/bike shops re-sell for ~$12.

    Maps – working on posters and maps. Any dates to have ready for printing? We need brochures now.

    Derek committed to printing brochures. Chris will email Tom and have him send artwork to Derek.

    Do we have a separate map of the Alpha? What about Bubba’s Woods? Bubba’s not approved.

    Signage – Marty put link up on the Facebook page. Carsonite signs Social Committee: officially recognizing Odd Tuesday, Spring/Fall social rides, also a monthly ride at a trail system. May – August. May would be Minooka. Showcases the various area trails, try to get new people to ride the trails. We’re looking for more people to be a part of the marketing team. Derek put together a survey

    Trails: tosa trails are icy, Ron said he’s posting trail conditions Waukesha Bike Alliance facebook page and will post to Metro page as well South Shore – Harold brought up at the trails meeting. May not be accessible to mtn bikers unless people can speak to county supervisors, etc. Need to find a way to get it legitimized. Harold went to Port to the Ozaukee County group. 2 mi mtn bike loop wanted there.  Already have committed $60,000 a pre-fab pump track and a skills course near skateboard park. Hope to have approval for it by the end of March. Chris has reached out to this group to have a combined meeting. Ozaukee County is looking at a combined IMBA chapter with a number of bike groups in that area – all groups will operate independently and combine to form the chapter. At Hoyt MMSD will be taking out the steps and the carwash soon.

    County Trails Council – effort to encourage groups to prepare and develop trails within the county, City of Milwaukee has purchased two trail counters to getting data about trail usage. Ramsey wants to get moving on the memorandium of underwriting of bike trails 2/4/14. County Trails meets the 2 nd odd month at 10 am at the county parks building.


    2014 Fatbike Access – 70 advocates attended – Hansi has a post about this event IMBA event is Jan 19 – 20 at Rays. If you go to Ray’s on Saturday you get Sunday free.  Waukesha Bike Swap - 2/15 proceeds go to Waukesha Bike Alliance not sold out yet 75 – 80% sold out.  Fatbike race in Sheridan Park

    Bike Expo – volunteers needed May 16 – 18 Regional IMBA in Madison @Trek will open up the Farm for riding IMBA World Summit in August in Steamboat Springs, CO. Club would like to pay registration fee for several people to go to the sessions and encourage Metro members to go as sort of club ride.

    February meeting will start 50/50 raffle for cash, tires, and metro t-shirt

    New business: Marty emailed Marna @ the Rock re: Wednesday night racing. We’d like to see a series like this continue but we don’t want to compete with the Rock and we’re not sure what their intent is. These event prices are based on insurance and county parks issues.

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