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Membership is for Riders

If you are a regular rider of the Metro area trails, you ought to be a member. Membership is your unofficial trail pass so you can shred and feel good knowing you aren't a freerider (the bad kind). We have three levels of membership depending how much you ride:

  • $60 Solo Rider—if it's just you and you ride one season a year (dirt or snow).
  • $100 Year Rounder/Family Rider—you and yours are good to ride year round.
  • $500 Trail Patron—supporting trails stewardship at a higher level.

Members also get some cool perks:

  • Member Sticker

  • Voting on board members and club direction

  • Access and discounts to Metro events

  • Bicycle Benefits sticker for additional discounts

Select membership level

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Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software